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EAA: "Aspects and Innovations in Modern Life Insurance"Feed RSS

EAA: "Aspects and Innovations in Modern Life Insurance"

EAA: "Aspects and Innovations in Modern Life Insurance"

Data: 27/02/2014

Luogo: Berlino, Germania

Crediti accumulabili: 4

Si segnala che in data 27/28 Febbraio 2014 si terrà il seminario organizzato da EAA dal titolo "Aspects and Innovations in Modern Life Insurance"

A seguire un breve estratto della presentazione:
"Due to demographic changes and the resulting challenges for government-run pay-as-you-go systems, the importance of funded private or occupational old age provision will increase in the future. These changes have lead to a lot of product developments within the segment of old age provision and life insurers in some markets nowadays offer a great variety of products. The globalization and cross-border activities have stimulated the transfer of ideas and product innovations between the markets, especially within the deregulated EU-market with its principle of single license over the last years. But the consequences of the financial crisis as well as the new solvency requirements following Solvency II ask for more accurate mortality models and new concepts in many markets, especially - but not only - with regard to products that integrate guarantees into the saving process.

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda alla pagina ufficiale dell'evento.