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Summer School 2016 announcement

29th  International Summer School of the Swiss Association of Actuaries (2016)   Topic:Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools   Scientific directors: Paul Embrecht(ETHZ), Rüdiger Frey (...  »


NEW EAA Seminar "Asset Management in A Challenging Market Environment" on 17/18 March 2016 in Berlin

Dear Sir or Madam Financial Markets set a very challenging scene for the insurance and pension providers. Organisations sometimes have to decrease ambitions or profit sharing. Modern asset management should help to achieve the set targets. There...  »


EAA Seminar “Modelling and Validating Mortality under Solvency II”

Dear Sir or Madam The upcoming Solvency II regulations imply significant changes in the risk management of insurance companies. To support you and your company with the necessary conversions, we are offering the EAA Seminar "Modelling and Va...  »


EAA Seminar “Understanding IFRS 4, Phase II” on 4/5 April 2016 in Copenhagen

Dear Sir or Madam After almost 20 years of debates, outreach and exposure drafts, the IASB has finally come to agree on a standard for insurance contracts. The new standard "IFRS 4, Phase II" will fundamentally change the way insurance companies...  »