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Trieste,  29/06/2015

Immunization and Hedging of Longevity Risk

Il giorno 7 luglio il prof. Mike Sherris dell' Universita' del New South Wales di Sydney terra' un seminario su "Immunization and Hedging of Longevity Risk". Il seminario si svolgera' a partire dalle ore 17.30 in un'aula della MIB School of Manageme...  »

Milano,  11/06/2015

VEAA Seminar "How to Set Up an Effective ORSA Process?" on 11/12 June 2015 in Milan

Dear Sir or Madam In cooperation with the Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, the EAA is offering the seminar "How to Set Up an Effective ORSA Process? - A Case Study for a Company Using the Standard Formula" on 11/12 June 2015 in Milan, Italy. ...  »

Oslo, Norway,  07/06/2015

LIFE, PBSS and IACA Colloquium in Oslo - Call for Papers

Dear Members of the LIFE, PBSS and IACA Sections, Den norsk Aktuarforening has released the Call for Papers (see attached) for the joint colloquium of the LIFE, PBSS and IACA Sections to be held in Oslo, Norway from 7-10 June 2015. &n...  »