To: AAE Presidents; General Assembly; Committee members;
Members of task forces and working groups;
Dear colleagues,
I attach with great pleasure the fifth EU newsletter prepared by
ICoda European Affairs
exclusively for the AAE.
If you require any additional information or if you have any
remaining questions on this edition, please let me know.
Please bring this EU newsletter under the attention of your
individual members! This is the weblink
Through you we want to reach all 21,500 European actuaries!
Please note that by contract with Icoda this newsletter can only
be published on the "Members Only" section of your website.
I look forward receiving your feedback.
With kind regards,
Ad Kok
Ad A.M. Kok AAG Hon FIA
Chief Executive
Actuarial Association of Europe
Maison des Actuaires
1 Place du Samedi
B-1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 201 60 21
Mob: +31 6 8102 9257
EU Transparency Register 550855911144-54