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EAA Newsletter: New Event Unveiled!

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­ EAA Newsletter
Stay Updated with our Latest Web Session
  We are excited to draw your attention to our recently published EAA web session on 'SCR Interest under Solvency II.'

This comprehensive session delves into the intricacies of Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) and its implications under the Solvency II framework. Our expert will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you navigate this critical aspect of insurance regulation in a changing interest rate environment.

Dive into the details below, and stay informed with EAA!
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­ Web Session 'SCR Interest under Solvency II'
on 11 December 2024
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­ This session aims at explaining the evolution of the interest rate capital requirement under the current formula versus the new formula following the SII review, how the deficiencies have been addressed and the remaining issues in an inflationary environment.

The topics will be:
  • Underlying calibration of the current formula
  • The reasons for change
  • The new relative shifted approach
  • Impact of low versus inflationary interest rates
  • Perceived issues and possible solutions in an inflationary environment
further details
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­ Further Trainings in 2024 ­
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­ 12-14 September 2024
Actuarial Data Science - Advanced
further details

16-18 September 2024
Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 1: Introduction)
further details

19/20 September 2024
Explainable AI for Actuaries: Concepts, Techniques and Case Studies
further details

30 September - 1 October 2024
Seminar 'Open Source Tools R and Python: Extending the Tool of the Actuary' in Prague
further details

8 October 2024
Discrimination-Free Pricing: of Limits & Possibilities
further details

9 October 2024
Climate Change Scenarios in Context - A Stress Testing Case Study
further details

10 October 2024
Strategic Balance Sheet Management (Business Game)
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14-16 October 2024
Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 2: Advanced)
further details

17 October 2024
Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling
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23 October 2024
Cancer Survivors' Right to be Forgotten
further details

24/25 October 2024
LLM Principles and Case Studies for Insurance
further details

28-31 October 2024
Communication for Actuaries
further details

... and a lot more! Explore our website for more information.
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­ actuarial-academy.com ­