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EAA Newsletter: New Events Unveiled!

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­ EAA Newsletter
Stay Updated with our Latest Web Sessions
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­ We are excited to draw your attention to our recently published EAA web sessions, scheduled for this winter. These sessions cover a range of topics designed to enhance your professional knowledge. Join us for:
  • AI in the Health & Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data,
  • CERA 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics and Risk Measurement,
  • Life Biometric Assumptions: Bringing Together New & Classic Methods,
  • Inflation Risk Management,
  • Stochastic Projection Models in Life Insurance,
  • ESG Investing from a (Retail) Investor Point of View.
Dive into the content, and stay informed with EAA!
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­ Web Session 'AI in the Health & Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data'
on 8 November 2024
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­ The session will explore the multifaceted relationship between AI, society, culture, ethics, and how we live and work. There will be an emphasis on the importance of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in AI development and use. A variety of case studies that critically examine the integration of ethical AI in different contexts and professions will be presented, and frameworks for the development and use of ethical AI will be proposed.

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­ Web Session 'CERA 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics and Risk Measurement'
on 2/3 December 2024
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­ The web session gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these fields for the quantitative parts of the CERA education. The web session is moreover an ideal learning opportunity for actuaries who want to become acquainted with or refresh their knowledge in these highly relevant fields.

The online course begins with a repetition of basic concepts in probability theory including characteristics of random variables such as moments and quantiles. In order to prepare the analysis of dynamic financial models we introduce the idea of conditional expectations and we discuss stochastic processes in discrete time. The online session continues with an introduction to financial mathematics. We study risk neutral valuation and the hedging of derivatives in discrete-time models. The last part of the web session is devoted to an introduction to financial mathematics in continuous time. Topics covered include stochastic processes in continuous time such as Brownian motion and the Ito formula, the Black Scholes model and the Greeks very basic term structure models and the pricing and hedging of simple stock and bond options. The web session consists of lectures interspersed by short exercise sessions where participants can apply the probabilistic techniques hands-on.

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­ Web Session 'Life Biometric Assumptions: Bringing Together New & Classic Methods'
on 5 December 2024
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­ The purpose of this web session is to give the participant a comprehensive understanding of how biometric assumptions are developed for use in life insurance products using available data sources and both classic and modern analytics techniques. Participants will come away with knowledge of both what is possible as well as how the various elements can be used together. This will prepare the participants to evaluate their current practices and make an informed decision regarding what other data or data analytics techniques are worth exploring to effectively enhance their operations.

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­ Web Session 'Inflation Risk Management'
on 10 December 2024
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­ The purpose of this session is to explore how inflation and its uncertain evolution impacts insurers and pension funds and how actuaries can manage the risks involved. It will draw on recent work within the Actuarial Association of Europe and other bodies on inflation risk management.

The topics of this session will be:
  • Historic experiences and global trends
  • Stylised asset and liability responses to inflation
  • What inflation measures matter most?
  • Modelling inflation
  • Responding to uncertainties in inflation
  • Product design, management actions, hedging, reinsurance
  • Managing related risks, both internal and external
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­ Web Session 'Stochastic Projection Models in Life Insurance'
on 12 December 2024
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­ This web session provides an overview of three conceptually different approaches for stochastic life insurance projection models currently observable in the market. It compares their key ideas, explains their strengths & challenges, and introduces the underlying mathematical / actuarial methodologies. Concerning the application of the comparably little-known Liability-2-Step approach, the session will present the operational experience of an Austrian insurance company. Although the comparison of the modelling approaches will mainly be conducted from the viewpoint of Solvency II reporting, the session will also discuss their applicability as basis for the integration of external financial reporting with internal planning and performance management.

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­ Web Session 'ESG Investing from a (Retail) Investor Point of View'
on 13 December 2024
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­ ESG investment has become mainstream over the last couple of years for institutions. Sustainability reports have grown in detail and have extended besides qualitative goals and ambitions, into quantitative reports showing measurable progress on KPIs. Despite the increase in interest into ESG matters in the public domain by consumers reflected in climate protests and concerns, this has not yet translated in consumers becoming active EGS investors themselves: retail ESG investment in 2020 was lagging with a share of 25% compared to the 75% institutional investment, despite retail investors owning 52% of global assets as per 2021.  As the share of retail investments in total assets under management is expected to increase to 61% by 2030, this provides a clear opportunity for individual investors to increase their ESG awareness and interest in sustainable assets.

The aim of this web session is to provide the audience an overview of ESG and sustainability developments first, and then to explore in more detail developments for investment both from a corporate and retail point of view.

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­ Further Trainings in 2024 ­
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­ 12-14 September 2024
Actuarial Data Science - Advanced
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16-18 September 2024
Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 1: Introduction)
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19/20 September 2024
Explainable AI for Actuaries: Concepts, Techniques and Case Studies
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30 September - 1 October 2024
Seminar 'Open Source Tools R and Python: Extending the Tool of the Actuary' in Prague
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8 October 2024
Discrimination-Free Pricing: of Limits & Possibilities
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9 October 2024
Climate Change Scenarios in Context - A Stress Testing Case Study
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10 October 2024
Strategic Balance Sheet Management (Business Game)
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14-16 October 2024
Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 2: Advanced)
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17 October 2024
Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling
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23 October 2024
Cancer Survivors' Right to be Forgotten
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24/25 October 2024
LLM Principles and Case Studies for Insurance
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28-31 October 2024
Communication for Actuaries
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... and a lot more! Explore our website for more information.
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­ actuarial-academy.com