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Our EAA Early Bird Newsletter: Enroll Early and Learn Smart!

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­ Enroll Early, Learn Smart:
Unlock Your Early Bird Benefits 
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­ As we embrace the sunny days and warm breezes of summer, we are excited to bring your attention to the upcoming early bird deadlines for our autumn events.

Be sure to visit our website to uncover a diverse selection of web sessions, on-site seminars, as well as CERA and Actuarial Data Science trainings.

Enjoy the sunshine and start planning for a fantastic autumn!
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­ Web Session 'CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks'
9-13 September 2024
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­ We offer a series of four training courses and exams (through DAV) to all actuaries who want to deepen their knowledge in Enterprise Risk Management and gain the international ERM-credential CERA. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA designation, or individually as CPD training.

The web seminar 'CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks' focuses on quantitative analyses of financial and non-financial risks of an insurance company and the effect and possible applications of risk mitigation techniques. After an introduction to the economic valuation of an insurance company, including stochastic valuation models and approximation techniques for life companies, and the building blocks of its economic balance sheet, the risk measure as well as the relevant regulatory requirements of Solvency II will be discussed. Different concepts of risk modelling covering from standard formula to fully internal models will be presented.
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Your early-bird registration fee is
€ 1,625.00 (net) / € 1,933.75 (incl. VAT, if applicable) until 29 July 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 1,800.00 (net) / € 2,142.00 (incl. VAT, if applicable).
More details
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­ Seminar 'Open Source Tools R and Python: Extending the Toolbox of the Actuary' in Prague
30 September - 1 October 2024
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­ Over the last years, typical data science tasks like data manipulation and modelling have gained a stronger foothold in the day-to-day professional life of the actuary. Open source languages are renowned to be especially equipped to deal with this kind of tasks, but can also be tricky to get started with, especially when one has not been properly introduced to them. This workshop offers the opportunity to become more familiar with the open source environment and their applications, illustrated in detail by means of a number of hands-on modules, hereby enabling the actuary to tackle the data science tasks in an elegant manner.

This seminar will also focus on the 'scientific stack' of both R and Python and draw some comparisons between both worlds where we will try to show that it's not a matter of choosing between both ecosystems but of choosing the best of both (continuously evolving) worlds.
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Your early-bird registration fee is
€ 970.00 (net) / € 1,193.10 (incl. VAT, if applicable) until 30 July 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 1,280.00 (net) / € 1,574.40 (incl. VAT, if applicable).
More details
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­ Web Session 'Actuarial Data Science - Advanced'
12-14 September 2024
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­ This is part two of four courses (seminar and exam) to obtain the additional title Certified Actuarial Data Scientist by the AVÖ and/or DAV. 
Participants who do not hold an AVÖ or DAV membership have also the opportunity to obtain a newly established EAA Certificate in Actuarial Data Science by taking part in all four modules and the corresponding exams. It is planned to offer all four modules in 2024 and 2025.
All courses are open to interested actuaries to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of Actuarial Data Science (without exams).

Under the heading Actuarial Data Science, the procedures and methods of data mining are embedded in the actuarial context. These range from mathematics-driven statistical methods for derivation of insights from data to computation-driven methods sometimes summarized as machine learning. As a result of almost unlimited computing capacity through cloud computing and wide availability of training data, tried and tested methods of machine learning, such as artificial neural networks, are experiencing a renaissance in theory and practice.

In this three-day training, we cover a wide range of topics. This includes an advanced introduction to the concepts and terms of artificial intelligence, modern data management concepts (with a special look at insurance companies), aspects of data protection and the mathematical and statistical concepts of data mining. On our way, we touch different use cases in the actuarial environment. To this end, we provide a brief insight into the widely used language Python. The training rounds off with principles for the ethical handling of artificial intelligence in the insurance environment.
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Your early-bird registration fee
is € 1,170.00 (net) / € 1,392.30 (incl. VAT, if applicable) until 1 August 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 1,521.00 (net) / € 1,809.99 (incl. VAT, if applicable).
More details
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­ Web Session 'Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 1: Introduction)'
16-18 September 2024
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­ In recent years, the modelling tools used in ALM strategies have become increasingly sophisticated and the technical aspects of current insurance regulation have increased. As a result, some ALM aspects have become more and more difficult to understand and master.

This ALM training starts with a first part that is primarily an introduction to main concepts of ALM and is therefore particularly suited for participants coming from different departments (for instance, people dealing with own risk solvency assessment techniques or enterprise risk management) and wanting to develop a broader view on what ALM is and how it works. It is also well suited for newcomers or people wanting to refresh their mind on these concepts. Note that the training is not limited to people working in ALM or treasury departments but is also adapted to other departments.

The second part (bookable separately) is more advanced and intended for those wishing to gain more in-depth expertise on the topics. It includes some mathematical technicity, but nothing that goes further than a solid high school level.

The participants can follow a single part or both.
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­Your early-bird registration fee is
€ 600.00 (net) / € 714.00 (incl. VAT, if applicable) until 5 August 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 780.00 (net) / € 928.20 (incl. VAT, if applicable).
More details
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­ Web Session 'Explainable AI for Actuaries: Concepts, Techniques and Case Studies'
19/20 September 2024
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­ The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the insurance industry in general and in actuarial issues in particular presents both opportunities and risks. Acceptance of complex methods requires, among other things, a degree of transparency and explainability of the underlying models and the decisions based on them.

By the end of the seminar, participants will leave with a toolkit of explainability techniques, an in-depth understanding of model interpretability, and the ability to use XAI approaches in practical actuarial applications. Participants will also understand mathematical principles behind key XAI techniques, evaluate the strengths and limitations of XAI methods, run a machine learning workflow that incorporates XAI techniques, and analyse and interpret results in the context of actuarial cases.
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­Your early-bird registration fee is
€ 360.00 (net) / € 428.40 (incl. VAT, if applicable) until 8 August 2024. After this date, the fee will be € 475.00 (net) / € 565.20 (incl. VAT, if applicable).
More details
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­ actuarial-academy.com ­