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Join us in Athens for our seminar 'Understanding the Performance of an Insurance Company' on 3/4 April 2025!

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­ EAA Seminar ­
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Understanding the Performance of an Insurance Company ­
3/4 April 2025 in Athens
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­ Organised by the EAA - European Actuarial Academy GmbH in cooperation with the Hellenic Actuarial Society.

Due to the inversion of the production cycle, the insurance business is very different from other traditional industries. Understanding, measuring and managing the performance of insurance companies is difficult due to the specific risks insurance companies must cover. It is therefore essential that you, as employee of the insurance sector, understand how your company is functioning, how its activity is measured via the balance sheet and the P&L, what are the main regulations influencing this measure, which indicators are used to assess the performance and what levers can improve this performance.

The aim of this workshop is to:
  • Present the functioning of an insurance company and the insurance and financial products it manages
  • Explain how to read and understand the different elements of an insurance balance sheet and P&L, in local GAAP and in IFRS
  • Compute performance indicators used in different regulatory frameworks (Local GAAP, IFRS and Solvency 2)
  • Understand the impact of risk mitigation (reinsurance) and ALM on the performance
We will cover life as well as non-life insurance. Health insurance will not be specifically covered.
The participants will be requested to look at 15 e-learning capsules (of around 30 minutes each) covering the following topics:
  • Functioning of an insurance company (economic principles, main insurance and financial products, insurance provisions)
  • Insurance financial statements in IFRS
  • Risk management under Solvency II
The e-learning capsules contain pedagogical presentations of the concepts with examples. They can be followed by the participants whenever they want, best before the sessions, as pre-requisites.
The training will be illustrated by case studies in Excel in which the participants will be invited to work, too.

Your early-bird registration fee is € 1,202.80 (€ 970.00 net plus 24% VAT, if applicable) for bookings by 3 February 2025. After this date, the fee will be € 1,587.20 (€ 1,280.00 net plus 24% VAT, if applicable).
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PREMIUM SPONSOR of this seminar:
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­ Coming soon... ­
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­ Explainable AI for Actuaries: Concepts, Techniques & Case Studies | 27/28 May 2025

IDD and POG Requirements from an Actuarial Perspective | 2 June 2025

Python for Actuaries | 5/6 June 2025 in Vienna

...and a lot more! Explore our website for more information or download our overview.
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­ actuarial-academy.com ­
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