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Understanding IFRS 17: New EAA Seminar Date on 15/16 May 2017 in Athens

The IASB is about to issue the final standard for insurance contracts, IFRS 17. Because of the very high demand for the EAA seminar "Understanding IFRS 17" in Stockholm, we are more than happy to announce an additional seminar date for this top...  »


EAA Seminar "An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators and their Validation"

Do you want to learn more about Economic Scenario Generators (ESG) because you deal with one or more applications of those? You are familiar with the basic concepts of financial maths?  If so, please remember, that the early-bird registrati...  »


30th International Summer School of the Swiss Association of Actuaries (2017)

Topic:Insurance Management: Trends, Challenges and Solutions   Scientific directors: Alexander Braun, Hato Schmeiser, University of St. Gallen, and Joël Wagner, University of Lausanne​ Dates: 6-9 June 2016 ...  »


EAA Seminar "Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to Practical Implementation of Modern Techniques in R" on 16/17 March 2017 in Cologne

"Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to Practical Implementation of Modern Techniques in R" on 16/17 March 2017 in Cologneis approaching. This seminar is a solid introduction to the above-mentioned techniques and will alternate between methodological...  »


EAA Seminar "Artificial Intelligence in Insurance – Theory and Practice" on 6/7 April 2017 in Prague

"Artificial Intelligence in Insurance - Theory and Practice" on 6 and 7 April 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic.  Are you interested in this up to date topic? Then register online until 6 February 2017 to benefit from the early-bird regi...  »


1° Corso SIA 2017 - Milano 24 e 25 gennaio 2017 - "Assicurazioni Vita: tra nuovi prodotti e prodotti rinnovati"

Vi ricordiamo che sono ancora aperte le iscrizioni al 1° corso 2017 di formazione permanente dal titolo: "Assicurazioni Vita: tra nuovi prodotti e prodotti rinnovati" Il corso delle durata di due giorni si terrà aMilano, martedì 24 e mercoledì 25...  »