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31st Int. Summer School of the SAA: Insurance Analytics, a Primer

31st International Summer School of the Swiss Association of Actuaries     Insurance Analytics, a Primer                 ...  »


EAA Seminar: "Loss Reserving in Property and Casualty" on 26/27 April 2018 in Dublin

Dear Giampaolo Under Solvency II, reserving risk becomes one of the mayor drivers for solvency capital requirement in property and casualty insurance and therefore an adequate assessment of loss reserves and the underlying risk is a crucial issu...  »


EAA Seminar: "An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators and their Validation" on 12/13 April 2018 in Madrid

The Economic Scenario Generators (ESG) are at the core of stochastic models used by insurance companies. The applications of stochastic models are very diverse and include such applications as economic capital under Solvency II, ALM projections...  »


Seminario European Actuarial Academy

Si riporta il link del nuovo seminario EAA su Life Annuities, reperibile all'indirizzo https://actuarial-academy.com/seminars/seminar?No=E0125


: NEW EAA Seminar: "Life Annuities – From Basic Products to Capital Management" on 16/17 April 2018 in Stockholm

Dear Giampaolo Life annuities provide protection against the risk of outliving the assets available at the time of retirement, because of a long lifetime or a poor investment performance. Therefore, purchasing a life annuity should con...  »