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EAA Seminar "System of Governance II – An Actuarial Perspective"

Dear Sir or Madam As Solvency II will apply starting from 1/1/2016, all insurers require to prepare for the upcoming tasks. Since 2014 the so called Solvency II preparatory phase is in force, guided by a number of preparatory guidelines issued by...  »


Early Bird Reminder: EAA Seminar "Modelling and Validating Mortality under Solvency II" on 28/29 May 2015 in Stockholm

Dear Sir or Madam, Please note, that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA seminar "Modelling and Validating Mortality under Solvency II" on 28/29 May 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden is coming up. This seminar, held in in co-operation wit...  »


EAA Seminar "Modelling and Validating Mortality under Solvency II" on 28/29 May 2015 in Stockholm

Dear Sir or Madam, The upcoming Solvency II regulations imply significant changes in the risk management of insurance companies. To support you and your company with the necessary conversions, we are organising the new EAA Seminar "Modelling an...  »


AAE webinar on Solvency II

The AAE will organise its first webinar on Friday 17 April 2015 from 11:00 - 12:30 CET. The subject for this webinar will be the current status of Solvency II: "Solvency II: where are we now - where are we going". The presentations will be ...  »