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Pension, Risk and Investment Conference 2016 with AFIR/ERM 31 May – 2 June, EICC

Pension, Risk and Investment Conference 2016 with AFIR/ERM 31 May - 2 June, EICC  The Actuarial Approach for Financial Risks/Enterprise Risk Management (AFIR/ERM) section of the IAA will join the IFoA Pension, Risk and Investment Conferenc...  »


EAA Forum "Business Simulation Game on Risk and Capital Management under Solvency II" from 27-29 June 2016 in Prague

Dear Sir or Madam With Solvency II in place since 1 January 2016, a large and detailed regulatory framework has been laid out. This opens new risks and opportunities to insurance companies, which decision makers need to be aware of. Executives u...  »