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EAA Validation Weeks: Early Bird Reminder for the EAA Seminars in October 2016

As you might already know, we offer two seminars during the EAA Validation Weeks this October. The seminars focus on different topics. We are happy to give you some guidance on which event you should visit: Model Validation under Solvency...  »


ASTIN/AFIR-ERM Panama City, Panama 20 24 agosto 2017

Di seguito è possibile trovare il Call for Papers del prossimo ASTIN/AFIR-ERM che si terrà a Panama City, Panama dal 20 al 24 agosto 2017.  


EAA Validation Weeks: Seminar "Validation of Technical Provisions under SII – An Actuarial Perspective" on 24/25 October 2016 in Ljubljana

Dear Giampaolo Solvency II has come into force with the beginning of 2016. It has introduced several new tasks for actuaries in the insurance industry and different responsibilities received a stronger formal framework. One major task is the val...  »