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Colloquium 2020 -Sections VirtualFeed RSS

News - 08/05/2020

Colloquium 2020 che come noto doveva svolgersi a Parigi la prossima settimana ma che, a causa dell'emergenza sanitaria, si svolgerà a distanza. Come noto è organizzato dalle diverse Sezioni dell'IAA

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Actuarial Colloquium Paris 2020 will unfortunately not take place as planned. However, the Institut des actuaires and IAA Sections are pleased to invite you to our 1st Sections Virtual Colloquium that will take place from May 11-15.

We will bring the actuarial world together for five days of high-level scientific presentations, recorded article presentations, as well as interactive plenary sessions from IAA Sections with contributions from keynote speakers, which all be made available online through our media content partner, actuview.

Each IAA Section will have a dedicated live session as shown below. Use the REGISTER button below to indicate your interest in participating. As each live session requires a separate registration, please register only for the sessions you plan on attending. If you are unable to participate at the designated dates/times, a recording will be available afterwards.

In addition to the live sessions,  over 75 presentations which were to be presented in Paris have been pre-recorded and will be available to access on the actuview website on the same day as the planned live session (e.g. recorded presentations from the AFIR-ERM Section will be available as of 11 May, ASTIN as of 12 May, etc.). The full program brochure is accessible online. Please note that in order to access the pre-recorded sessions, you must activate your actuview account - detailed instructions and your personal actuview code can be found at the bottom of this communication.

AFIR-ERM Session live on actuview | 11 May, 15.00-16.30 CEST      

ERM Session on Artificial Intelligence


  • Bertrand Braunschweig (INRIA, France)
  • Jeffrey Chan (BCG, Australia)
  • Françoise Soulié-Fogelman (Hub France IA, France)



ASTIN Session live on actuview | 12 May, 13.00-14.30 CEST      

  • Detection of Data Anomalies
    Alexandre Boumezoued (Milliman, France)
  • On Customer Behaviour in Insurance
    Stéphane Loisel (University of Lyon, France)


IAAHS Session live on actuview | 12 May, 15.00-16.30 CEST      

Covid-19 Pandemic - International Health Care Perspectives, Lessons. What Next?


  • Joanne Buckle (Milliman, UK)
  • Barry Childs (Insight Actuaries and Consultants, South Africa)
  • Alex Leung (OneDegree, Taiwan)
  • Nicola Oliver (Medical Intelligence, UK/France)
  • Ed Pudlowski (MorningStar Actuarial Consulting, USA)
  • Moderator: Adrian Baskir (UK)



IAALS Session live on actuview | 13 May, 13.00-14.30 CEST       

  • Mortality Trends in Developed Countries: An Analysis of the Recent Deceleration in Mortality Improvement
    Steven Haberman (Cass Business School, UK)
  • Statistical Learning Methods for Mortality Data Correction in the Absence of Fertility Data
    Alexandre Boumezoued (Milliman, France)
  • Measuring Longevity Risk Through a Neural Network Lee-Carter Model
    Mario Marino (University of Rome, Italy)



PBSS Session live on actuview | 13 May, 15.00-16.30 CEST       

  • Role of the US National Academy of Social Insurance
    William J. Arnone (National Academy of Social Insurance, USA)
  • Actuarial Ideas to Mitigate the Global Pension Crisis
    Abraham Hernández (PBSS, Portugal)



IACA Session live on actuview | 14 May, 13.00-14.30 CEST      

The Power of Diversity of Thought - Next Chapter
Cathy Lyn (Jamaica), Tonya Manning (Buck, USA), Marjorie Ngwenya (South Africa)



Institut des Actuaires Session live on actuview | 15 May, 13.00-14.30 CEST      

  • Key Issues and Challenges for Actuarial Science - bringing together academics and practitioners



You will always find the latest information here.
 All contents from the Sections will be available to registered actuview users.   

If you have not already established your account (see instructions below), please note that your personal actuview code is: [{#recipient.actuview#}]