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AAE Newsletter 2022-1Feed RSS

News - 14/04/2022


 Prima newsletter AAE  cui l'Italia ha data il suo contributo nel "Communication Panel"



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Newsletter - 2022-1


Upcoming events

The following AAE events are scheduled:
2-3 June 2022: ECA2022 - Madrid, Spain. Please check the welcome video!

Other events you may find interesting:

All events can be found in the Calendar on the AAE website. 

Event calendar



On 1 March 2022, issue 29 of The European Actuary was published.

The European Actuary (TEA)




Sustainability and Climate Change: Main positions of the AAE - by Frank Schiller
How to retire with dignity - by Esko Kivisaari

All Blogs

Consultations from stakeholders


The AAE responded to the following consultation(s):

If you wish to contribute, please check the outstanding consultations and the relevant deadlines on the AAE website

News from member associations


  • The Actuarial Society of Finland will celebrate its 100th anniversary on 28 April 20222.

The Actuarial Society of Finland was founded in uncertain times on 21st April 1922. Finland had become independent only a few years earlier in 1917, after which there had been serious civil unrest. 
These 100 years have seen Finland developing into one of the advanced post-industrial states with a high level of education. Our profession has developed along the country and given a strong input into its highly developed social security and pension system as well as many innovative solutions in insurance business. Finnish actuaries have also played a strong role in the international arena by, for example, organising the very successful ICA 1988, and participating actively in the AAE and the IAA levels. Started with just a few members, our association now has 365 members, of which 99 are full members.
The celebration will take place on the 28th of April and will start with a seminar on professionalism. We are very pleased that Mária Kamenárová, chairperson of the AAE and Inga Helmane, AAE Board member, will attend the event as well as Roseanne Harris, President of the IAA and many other colleagues.

  • 75th anniversary of the Instituto dos Atuários Portugueses 

The Congress of Instituto dos Atuários Portugueses was scheduled to take place in 2020 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our Association but was postponed due to Covid-19. The Congress will take place in Lisbon on 24th May 2022.

We will have as keynote speakers: Paul Embrechts, Michiel Van Der Wardt, Wilhelm Schneemeier, Cansado de Carvalho, Maria João Valente Rosa, and Maria Margarida Corrêa de Aguiar, President of ASF - Insurance and Pension Fund Supervisory Authority.

All relevant information about the Congress (information on the presentations of papers, program, registration and speakers) can be consulted at:  https://75anos2020iap.org/pt/

  • Submission deadline

If you have news to share that may be interesting for AAE delegates, please make sure to submit your news before the 18th of every month.