The European Insurance and Occupational
Pensions Authority (EIOPA) established today its Consultative
Expert Group on Data Use in Insurance, following a
call for
candidates launched in December 2024.
The establishment of this
multidisciplinary Consultative Expert Group was driven by the
complexities related to the use of data and its potential deep
societal impact, coupled with the specificities of the insurance
The findings of the Consultative Expert
Group will support EIOPA's future work on data sharing and its
efforts to address emerging challenges and opportunities in the
context of digitalisation. It will provide a basis for our
collective reflection how to optimise, with data, the positive
impact of insurance for the benefit of the economy and society,
while keeping in mind the need for ethical data use.
The Consultative Expert Group is made
of high-level experts with a diverse set of experiences and
backgrounds, such as the insurance industry, academia,
consumer associations, and stakeholder organisations. It is
expected to finalise its work within 12 months, starting in March
It is composed of the following
- Florence Bailly, CNP ASSURANCES
- Davide Casinelli, CACI
- Pedro Ecija Serrano, Freelance actuary and data scientist
- Alejandra Fernandez, VidaCaixa
- Alexander Gamerdinger, Copenhagen Business School
- Rens Garssen, Oliver Wyman
- Lee Harris, Zurich Insurance Company
- Simon Hatzesberger, Deloitte
- Jonas Hirz, Boston Consulting Group
- Chris Holland, Loughborough University
- Esko Antero Kivisaari, Fennia
- Erzsébet Kovács, Corvinus University of Budapest
- Mikko Kuusela, Pensions Finance Finland
- Nico Lauridsen, European University Institute
- Katarzyna Malinowska, Kozminski University
- Anna Martin, BEUC
- Jaakko Mikkonen, If P&C Insurance
- Peter Norwood, Finance Watch
- Adriana Nugter, Independent Senior Consultant & Author
- Philipp Raether, Allianz SE
- Paola Scarabotto, Groupama Assicurazioni
- Melanie Sophie Schlünder, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG
- Claudio Senatore, SAS Institute
- Nicolas Shire, AXA
- William Vidonja, Insurance Europe
- Felix Wenzel, ERGO Group AG