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Newsletter on EAA Websessions - 11_2/2021





!New web sessions online!

In the last few weeks, we have organised a variety of new web sessions in winter and spring 2022 on different topics. Please have a look at all virtual sessions on our website and find more information below: 

Web Session "Setting Up Discount Rates Under IFRS17: Getting the Job Done" on 15 February 2022
The IFRS 17 regulatory framework requires insurers to define the discount curve with respect to the liquidity characteristics of their liabilities. During this web session, we will review the regulatory requirements and the two main approaches recommended. We will then detail the steps involved in the construction of the IFRS 17 discount curve and highlight the various possible choices.
This web session will first provide a presentation of the challenges related to the definition of the risk-free rate curve. This will be followed by a presentation of the approaches to assess the illiquidity of liabilities based on the link between the illiquidity of assets and liabilities. The presentation will then provide an overview of methodologies to quantify the illiquidity premium of an asset portfolio.
Our research and development work on this topic, coupled with our benchmark vision of market practices, will allow us to present a wide range of available approaches and to describe their advantages and disadvantages from an operational insurance implementation perspective. 
further details

Web Session "ML Explainability in Actuarial Data Science: A Primer" on 10 March 2022
These days, nobody disputes the profound impact and yet-untouched potential of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence anymore. Yet, in the actuarial sciences, these breakthrough possibilities are hampered by regulation, the need for numerical confidence and insight into model decision making, the latter being subsumed as a "black box problem". Thus, the quest for explainability is in fact much more pressing than in any other industry.
This upcoming seminar on ML explainability aims to provide insights into the areas of unsupervised learning, supervised learning and artificial neural nets via model-agnostic explainability approaches.
further details

"EAA e-Conference on Data Science & Data Ethics" on 12 May 2022
The actuarial focus has changed significantly over the last couple of years. Computational power is increasing with exponential growth, in addition more and more data is available. This combination puts the actuarial profession into a position where a new understanding has to be developed on today's possibilities of actuarial science and its ethical implications. The new role of actuaries within big data and ongoing digitalisation is not yet fully defined. Best practice experience sharing and exchange of ideas is needed. The EAA is delighted to offer all interested actuaries and other experts a forum for knowledge exchange:
On 12 May 2022, the third EAA e-Conference on "Data Science & Data Ethics" will take place live and virtually. The programme will combine keynote speeches with food for thought from well-known experts and selected talks from professionals through a CALL FOR PAPERS.
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Further Trainings in 2021 and 2022

30 November 2021
EAA's 2nd Climate Day: Risks and Opportunities for the Insurance Industry
further details

1/2 December 2021
Web Session "Understanding IFRS 17"
further details

18 January 2022
Web Session "IFRS 17 - Derivation of the Adjustment & its Confidence Level"
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24/25 January 2022
Web Session "Structural Reforms for Public Pension Schemes"
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26/27 January 2022
Web Session "Introduction to Graph Theory for Actuaries"
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31 January and 7 February 2022
Web Session "Actuarial Modeling for Cyber Risk"
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16 February 2022
Web Session "Practical Application of Clustering in Insurance"
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3/4 March 2022
Web Session "Operational Risk for Actuaries"
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8 March 2022
Web Session "Introduction to Effective Visuals with ggplot2"
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28-31 March 2022
Web Session "Communication for Actuaries"
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1 April 2022
Web Session "Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection"
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5 April 2022
Web Session "Reinsurance under IFRS17 for Life & Health"
further details

... and a lot more! Explore our website for more information.