ASTIN is planning a reading club initiative that will provide
regular opportunities for members interested in research to
interact. Given the widespread interest in the actuarial community
on applications of machine learning, we will initiate the reading
club by going through the new work by Mario Wüthrich and Michael
Merz, Statistical Foundations of Actuarial Learning, and its
Applications. Sessions will be held on a fortnightly basis, hosted
by the organising committee (initial members R. Richman and D.
Semenovich), who will nominate presenters for each session and
communicate the time and technical details of the event. For the
sessions of the reading club, presenters will prepare a 30-45
minute informal walk-through for the selected material. A member of
the organising committee will facilitate
subsequent discussion.
"In this session, we will give an introduction to "Statistical
Foundations of Actuarial Learning and its Applications" by
Professor Dr. Mario Wüthrich. This will set the stage for the
biweekly meetings that will occur as we read the book
Registration is now open!