Michael, why is outlier detection a relevant topic
for actuaries today?
With actuarial models becoming more and more powerful, actuaries
have to process much larger volumes of input data than ever before.
Thousands and thousands of inputs cannot be manually inspected -
and if bad data do enter calculations undetected, then we are
facing the "garbage in, garbage out" perspectives.
Therefore, actuaries need state-of-the art outlier detection
capabilities in order to make optimal use of their
Machine Learning surely sounds great, but is it really
needed for outlier detection purposes?
Of course, simpler methods also exist - such as Tukey criterion -
such approaches will be introduced in this web session before
moving on to more complex methods. The danger with using a too
simple approach is that the user may end up discarding some useful
data while not detecting relevant outliers.
Is prior expertise required to follow this web
Short answer: No.
Long answer: We introduce all necessary theoretical concepts
before applying them to practical applications. Attendees will be
familiar with different models to address different business
questions in different markets, and yet they will be facing the
common challenge of how to automatically detect outliers in their