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EAA Web Session: "Implementation of an Efficient ERMF-Process" on 26-27 October 2022

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­ EAA Web Session ­
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Implementation of an Efficient ERMF-Process
26/27 October 2022 | 9:00-17:00 CEST
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­ Dear Giampaolo

The world has significantly changed
Imagine you were tasked with projecting a risk profile for your company for the coming 5 years in 2018. Would you have included a pandemic, a war in Ukraine and the climatological effects we are currently confronted with? Would you have considered the underlying changes in society which may cause some further risk events, we are currently not fully aware of?
It shows us that the way we act as risk managers needs to change. First of all, we need to analyse the allocation of our time to the risk management activities and the value we create for our businesses. Regulation is forcing us to perform activities like risk and control assessments which added value clearly reduces over time. Risk indicators still play a small role in most business and the implementation of these turns out to be difficult. The concept itself, however, is a key to solve other problems.
Except for getting the basis right, we need to bring risk management to all of our colleagues. It needs to be part of our DNA. It should be one aspect before we take decisions and it should enable us to guide through extra-ordinary times.

Why should you attend this course?
If one of the following descriptions fits to your situation, the course might be exactly right for you:
  • Your risk capacity is smaller than the demand, you need to prioritise.
  • You are running many activities to be compliant to the risk policies, but you feel that you are not setting the right priorities.
  • You are working in the 3 lines of defence model, but you have challenges to take the first line (business) with you.
  • You want to pay more attention to emerging risk, but you are missing the overview due to the complexity of those risks.
  • You like to change the culture, but you struggle with the implementation.

Your early-bird registration fee is € 600.00 plus 19% VAT for bookings by 14 September 2022. After this date, the fee will be € 780.00 plus 19% VAT.
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­ Coming soon... ­
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­ Dependence Between Longevity and Financial Risks | 4 October 2022

IFRS 17: Scope and Unit of Account | 5 October 2022

Non-Life Pricing Using Statistical Techniques with R Applications | 10-13 October 2022

...and a lot more! Explore our website for more information or download our overview.
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