The AAE Newsletter - the regular publication by the European
umbrella organisation of the actuarial associations in Europe - is
intended to provide you with the latest information from the AAE
and its members.
- Upcoming events
- Publications
- Surveys and consultations Member
- Consultations from stakeholders
- News from the AAE: The AAE appoints
Giampaolo Crenca as a new Chairperson, Inga Helmane as Vice
Chairperson and welcomes Moldova as Observer Association.
Upcoming events
The following AAE events are scheduled

Other events you may find interesting:
- 25 October 2023, CERAVISION, a live online conference,
organised by CERA Global Association, too risky to miss.
Participation is free.
Reserve your seat
- 3 November 2023, The 3rd Conference
by the Hellenic Actuarial Society (HAS) explores "New Technologies
and (Re)Insurance - the Next Day." Set at the Megaron Athens
Concert Hall, this event unites 500+ Actuarial Science and
Insurance experts from all over Greece. Esteemed participants
are invited as distinguished speakers and globally recognized
professionals with international recognition. For questions or
registration, please send an email to the Hellenic Actuarial Societ
- 15-17 November 2023, XIV Italian National Actuarial Congress -
in-person event in Milan, Italy. Register here!
In the last Congress (Rome 2021) a long term project was
launched towards the "Global Actuary"
attended by 1.210 participants, including
Actuaries in particular were always considered to be
more involved in the traditional
fields (usually insurance and pension) but
also in the wider fields,
these latter concern enterprise risk management,
emerging and systemic risks, new data processing
techniques, including artificial intelligence and machine
learning, banking, finance, welfare plans,
including the supplementary health private funds and the
non-financial corporates. Summing up the goal: to
continue to further develop the traditional fields and at the same
time to develop the new fields.
In the next Congress these topics will be considered from the
Italian point of view but also looking at the European and
international scenarios.
The title of the Congress is the exact
summary of the above mentioned contents and
goals: "the global actuary for a sustainable world:
tradition, innovation and emerging risks".
The Congress, as usual, will be open
for stakeholders.
Further details available on the websites: www.ordineattuari.it and www.actuary-isoa.com.
All these events and more can be found on the
AAE's Calendar, click here!
Surveys and Consultations Member
Open surveys and consultations to which a response of AAE Member
Associations is needed, can be found on the
AAE website.
On this page you will find all relevant details as well as the
Consultations from stakeholders
AAE responded to the following consultations:
Consultation responses in preparation:
If you wish to contribute to upcoming consultations, please check
the outstanding consultations and the relevant deadlines on the AAE website.
News from the AAE
New AAE Chairperson and further
The AAE is pleased to announce Giampaolo Crenca has taken the
office of Chairperson as from the General Assembly held in Cologne,
this October.
Giampaolo brings with him a wealth of experience, passion, and
many years of dedicated service in the field that make him an
exceptional leader in the Actuarial community.

Inga Helmane (Latvia) was elected as
Vice-Chairperson for the coming year. Inga has served as a Board
member since 2020 and chaired the AAE Communications Panel.
Hartwig Sorger (Austria) and Lourdes
Afonso (Portugal) were elected as Board members, replacing
Philippe Demol and Mária Kamenárová, whose terms have ended.
In addition, Malcolm Kemp (UK) was elected as a
Board member to fulfill the remainder of the term of Kartina
Thomson (UK), who resigned.
Loudina Erasmus (Netherlands) was appointed
chairperson of the Risk Management Committee, succeeding Malcolm
Kemp, whose term has ended.
Jeroen van den Bosch (Netherlands) and
Malcolm Campbell (Sweden) were appointed as
members of the Nominations Panel succeeding Kristoffer Bork
(Denmark) and Philip Shier (Ireland).
AAE welcomes the Actuarial Association of Moldova, as
its 5th Observer Member Association
The AAE General Assembly, held on 6 October 2023, approved the
admittance of the Actuarial Association of Moldova.
The Press Release can be found here.
AAE adopts the revision of model standard
At the AAE General Assembly, held on 6 October 2023, the AAE
adopted the revision of ESAP3 - model standard on Actuarial
practice in relation to the ORSA process under Solvency II. The
previous version of ESAP 3 was approved by the General Assembly on
2 August 2017.
In addition, the AAE adopted the revisions in the AAE
All relevant information can be found here.
Have you heard; We've moved!
As from 1 October, the AAE has relocated to a new, modern

Scheduled meetings with stakeholders

On 19 September 2023, Daphné de Leval (pictured above)
represented the AAE in a panel discussion at the IRRD Workshop
organised by Insurance Europe.
- On 17 October 2023, the AAE will meet
with Didier Millerot and relevant experts from DG FISMA, to discuss
various topics of mutual interest.
- On 23 October 2023, the AAE will
meet with relevant EIOPA experts to discuss the joint
EIOPA-ECB paper on policy options to reduce the climate insurance
protection gap.
- On 5 December 2023, the AAE will meet
with Pensions Europe.
- On 14 December 2023, the AAE leadership
will meet with Petra Hielkema, chair EIOPA.
- On 20 December 2023, the AAE will meet
with Insurance Europe.
Submission deadline
If you have news to share that may be interesting for AAE
delegates, please make sure to submit your news before the
18th of every month.