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AAE Newsletter 2023-2


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Newsletter  #2 - 2023 February

The AAE Newsletter - the regular publication by the European umbrella organisation of the actuarial associations in Europe - is intended to provide you with current information from the AAE and its members.


  • >Upcoming events
  • >Publications
  • >Consultations from stakeholders
  • >News from the AAE

Upcoming events

The following AAE events are scheduled

  • 19-21 April 2023, AAE Spring Meetings, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 10 May 2023, AAE Webinar Organised by the Education Committee, save the date
  • 27 June 2023, EAD 2023, a virtual one day event (free of charge). The Call for Papers will be published very soon. Please find all information on the website. You can already register for the event here

Other events you may find interesting:

Six high-profile speakers:  Michael Leitschkis, Abdal Chaudhry, Loudina Erasmus, Han Li, Alexander Krauskopf, and Prof. Martin Simon will explore the following topics in depth: How can we capture the tail dependency between heat and mortality?

  • How can climate scenarios be navigated for ORSA purposes?
  • How does global warming impact health insurance claims?
  • How to construct an investment portfolio under climate constraints?

All events can be found in the Calendar on the AAE website. 

Event calendar


Issue #33 of The European Actuary will be published on 1 March 2023.

Are you looking for separate articles published in Issue #32 or previous TEA's? You can find them under AAE News

The European Actuary (TEA)



Read our blog titled 'AI - OK?' by Esko Kivisaari

Are you looking for previously issued blogs? Please press the yellow button below. 

All Blogs


Consultations from stakeholders

Consultation responses in preparation:

If you wish to contribute to upcoming consultations, please check the outstanding consultations and the relevant deadlines on the AAE website

News from the AAE 


  • AAE Presidents' Meeting 2023

On 16 February 2023, the Presidents of the AAE member associations met virtually to discuss various topics of mutual interest. With a record number of (27!) presidents attending, there was full engagement with fruitful discussions on various topics and the important exchange of ideas. 

  • Scheduled meetings with stakeholders
  • On 13 March 2023, a delegation of the AAE will meet with Didier Millerot and content experts from DG FISMA.
  • On 27 March 2023, a delegation of the AAE will meet with Olav Jones, Nicolas Jeanmart, William Vidonja and Angus Scorgie from Insurance Europe. 
  • Submission deadline

If you have news to share that may be interesting for AAE delegates, please make sure to submit your news before the 18th of every month.  


