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Upcoming EAA Web Session: 'Cross-Border: One Tariff for 27 EU countries?' on 30 November 2023

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­ EAA Web Session  ­
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Cross-Border: One Tariff for
27 EU countries?
30 November 2023 | 10:00-12:30 CET
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­ Cross-Border business plays an important role in Europe´s insurance industry. For anyone running this business some topics are obvious. These are especially legal issues. Insurance supervision laws have been harmonised by Solvency, but not (yet) insurance contract laws or tax legislation.

Even if these laws have substantial influence on the calculation of tariffs, the online training wants to give insights on how to keep the influence low and puts focus on actuarial issues.
  • Do we need 27 different mortality tables for 27 EU- countries?
  • What about differences in underwriting?
Questions like this will be discussed in the web session.

Without claiming to have experience from 27 EU countries, the referent will share his knowledge and experience about calculating same tariffs for more than 10 countries.

Your early-bird registration fee is € 100.00 plus 19% VAT for bookings
by 19 October 2023. After this date, the fee will be € 140.00 plus 19% VAT.
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­ Coming soon... ­
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­ How Can Actuaries Tackle Inflation and it's Consequences? |
13 September 2023

Cash Balance Pension Schemes | 11 October 2023

Actuarial Modeling for Cyber Risk | 12/13 October 2023

...and a lot more! Explore our website for more information or download our overview.
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