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Web Session 'Non-Life Pricing Using Statistical Techniques with R Applications' from 7-10 April 2025

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­ EAA Web Session  ­
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Non-Life Pricing Using Statistical Techniques with R Applications    
7-10 April 2025 | 9:00-12:30 CEST
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Non-Life insurance is facing many challenges ranging from fierce competition on the market or evolution in the distribution channel used by the consumers to evolution of the regulatory environment. Pricing is the central link between solvency, profitability and market shares (volume). Improving pricing practice encompasses several dimensions:
  • Technical: Is our pricing adequate to cover the underlying cost of risk of my policyholders and the other costs we are facing? Which are the key variables driving the risk? Are they adequately taken into account in our pricing? What's the impact of the claims history of my policyholder on its expected risk? In which segment are we profitable and in which are we not profitable?
  • Competition: At what price will we attract the segments that we target and price out those that we do not want? Is the positioning of our competitors influencing our pricing practice and our profitability? What's my position with respect to my competitors in term of pricing? What are the segments in which I am well positioned and the segments where I am not well positioned?
  • Elasticity: What price (evolution) are our existing customers prepared to accept? Does the sensitivity to price evolution depend on the profile of my customer?
  • Segmentation: Is our segmentation granular enough for our purposes?

The aim of this web session is to present some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing or underwriting. The web session focuses on selected practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers.

Take advantage of our early-bird registration fee of € 975.00 (net) + VAT (if applicable) for bookings made by 24 February 2025. After this date, the standard fee will be € 1,270.00 (net) + VAT (if applicable). The applicable VAT rate will be determined based on your billing address.

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PREMIUM SPONSOR of this web session:
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­ Coming soon... ­
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...and a lot more! Explore our website for more information or download our overview.
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