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New edition of The European Actuary


The new issue of The European Actuary (Number 41 - March 2025) is now available and can be downloaded from the AAE website.

Featured Articles: 

  • Harnessing the power of AI for actuaries Interview with Ronald Richman 
  • Introduction to a Quantum Toolbox | by Muhammad Ahmer Amjad
  • ERM, Actuary and Double Materiality: the new challenge | by Marianna Duca
  • Re-cap of the "Empowering Tomorrow: Young Actuaries Leadership and Career Development Seminar" by the Young Actuaries Initiative | by Samuel Cywie and Daniel Jung
  • The Impact of the European Artificial Intelligence Act on Actuaries: Between Challenges and Opportunities | by Clara Sikorsky
  • Leveraging LLMs for Code Conversion in Finance: Best Practices and Challenges | by Bram Jochems
  • Column: It's not AI replacing actuaries, but it's actuaries using AI replacing actuaries who don't! | by Frank Schiller

Please visit the webpage of The European Actuary on the AAE website for details and prior issues.